Mildred M. Mabry was the grandmother of Dr. Jennifer D. Roberts. She grew up in rural Ohio and eventually settled in Buffalo, New York to raise a family. As a woman of many talents, such as cooking and baking, hair dressing, writing, sewing, and telling you the unapologetic truth, she conducted all her business in the kitchen. It did not matter if it was your kitchen or her kitchen, business was done in Mildred’s Kitchen.

As a namesake honor, Mildred’s Kitchen (Maryland ID: T00545308) is a conduit for social change. Colored by her family’s lived experiences, Dr. Roberts shares stories and knowledge about environmental, economic and racial injustices that have occurred over time in the United States and throughout the African Diaspora.

If you are interested in engaging with Dr. Roberts or learning more about her work, she is available for invited talks, panels, workshops, guest lectures, podcast interviews, and much more! Just click on the box below and submit a brief inquiry.